orbital simulation

Orbital Distance Speed Intuition

3 June 2021

Or something like that XD I was discussing with a friend the deltaV requirements to fly to the Sun (~30km/s) for a simple route and we struggled a bit to intuitively grasp, why this requires more energy than leaving the solar system (which is a much bigger distance). But in space, distance does not matter. […]

Fourier Fun

26 September 2020

Have fun playing around with the speed and the amounts of circles to create beautiful graphs 😉 While I often had to work with Fourier Transformations in the scope of computer vision and also during my master thesis to analyse electromagnetic frequencies, most of the times I simply used the equations, without thinking to much […]

Low Level Home “Automation”

27 July 2020

Like many humans and all Nerds, I really enjoy to place my life into metrics and keep an overview. Since my gf and I started making mead, it was of interest where we could store it during fermentation process. For that the temperature needs to be at least above 15°C and so we placed a […]

Interactive Corona Dashboard

10 March 2020

When the Corona epidemic reached Germany I got interested in the visual representations of the pandemic and was surprised that most awesome of them all, did not have a higher granularity for Europe than just the countries. Since all local medias were quoting the numbers of the Robert Koch Institute, and they provide the numbers […]

Bitcoin Gold Visualisation

1 May 2019

Recently I was wondering how much gold a Bitcoin is currently worth.I calculated that it would just need a coin, little bigger than a 2 Euro coin. Since this is an easy calculation, but can be a good visualization of the worth of a Bitcoin, I created a dynamic representation of it in Java Script. […]

HTML Games with Phaser.io

9 February 2019

Last year a friend of mine had his 30th birthday, and on the search for a present I discovered Phaser. A free and super fun framework to quickly create browser games. Since he is a big fan of the anoying screeming chickens, I created a flappy bird version of it, which you can play here […]