Mavic Mini first impressions

27 July 2020

Hoooooooooooly Moly!I haven’t been so impressed by a new toy for the last two decades! Finally I have my own little spaceships to observe the world from above, like in many futuristic video games of the 90`s 😀 The quality of the hard and software is outstanding and I want to share some of my […]

Drone Photography

5 July 2020

What I like most about photography, is the capability to show somebody the world through different eyes. The most exciting areas are, where you show something in a way, humans can not perceive them. Like a long exposure time to draw with light into thin air, or super short shutter times to visualize processes which […]

Inside of a credit card

18 April 2019

What do you mean? Inside of a credit card?It’s just a sheet of plastic. There is nothing inside, you might think.But credit cards embed actually a tiny computer!The golden chip you see on the front, is basically the same as the simcard in your phone. Just running different software. Opening the card I had an […]

Romantic Sun

21 January 2019

Heart shaped solar spot at our dear sun, cought on camera from my backyard, some years ago. The spot is a couple times the size of earth o.0 To stay informed about the current state of solar spots and other space weather, you can check out this cool page.

100 days in Asia

20 January 2019

This is my travelblog that covers my trip to south east Asia 2015/2016. The whole story is whopping 46 000 words long (1.5 times like famous works as Hamlet or Animal Farm) and contains hundreds of pictures to allow you a hopefully good insight into the countries/areas and my way of traveling. You can see the 33 000+ km […]