Brain Blossom – Boost your Creativity

By silviodc, 24 January 2019

Once upon a time I have read how to become an idea machine.

TLDR: Write 10 ideas about a random topic per day to get more creative over time. Like:

10 ways to produce less garbage

10 ideas to mitigate hunger in the world

10 dates I want to have with my SO

10 ways to get more productive


Like lifting weigts every day, you get better and better in what you do a lot. In this case its about being creative, and it will boost your creativity over time.

Also you end up with sooo many ideas.

For example at christmas I can be sure that at one point I had made a list of great presents for all my close friends/family and easily can pick the best of any.

As I said, I’ve read about this already some years ago and tried starting this habbit a couple of times, but then I did not always have a paper with me, had them spread out over multiple note apps and got frustrated when I could not find the good ideas anymore.

Until one day, one of the ideas about how to improve this, was writing an idea app for myself.

I wanted to quickly scribble down my ideas to every imaginable topic

Group ideas with various tags

Easily search through all my ideas

See statistics about all my ideas

and much more….

So I started developing the app Brain Blossom for Android, where you can do all that 🙂
The data is stored in a local SQLite database on your phone and can’t be leaked 😉

Currently it is not yet feature complete and you might find one or two bugs while using it, but it is already stable and ready to be used. I have entered already more than a thousand ideas and enjoy working with it.

So if you want to boost your creativity, get BrainBlossom! – Google always changes the requirements and wants frequent updates on the terms and conditions to keep an app in the appstore. Since the usage was not too high, I did’t bother maintaining this and they took it out of the store. You can download the apk from here.

Working app features include:

  • Save ideas about a topic
  • Add detailed information about the idea
  • Add Tags to your idea
  • Mark ideas as favorites
  • Mark ideas as completed
  • Easy overview of all idea topics
  • Export ideas via Whatsapp
  • Export idea groups via Whatsapp
  • Export database as csv file
  • Export SQLite db
  • Import SQLite db
  • Search ideas by date, idea name, tags, content in the description or the idea group
  • Simple overview of Tags where their size depends on the frequency of their usage
  • Filter for completed/favorite ideas
  • Tips about getting more creative
  • Setting your personal profile picture and name
  • Sort your ideas ascending or descending chronological
  • Daymode/Nightmode
  • Delete single ideas, idea topics, or the whole database
  • Statistics, including a graph about the ideas per day

Features to come:

  • Setting a daily reminder if you did not write any ideas
  • Setting day/night mode to automatic
  • Idea sex option to base new ideas in the combination of old ones